Wednesday, July 3, 2013

DARE TO TELL Cherry Bottom your Secrets!

Can you keep a secret?

Me. I can't. T_T

I only have one slot for a single secret at any given time. Every thing else is a BLURT waiting to happen. 

That is my secret. But then again it's more like a disclaimer and part of the manual in how to be my friend. Oh the blurt moments are endless. 
TO MY FRIENDS, thanks for not demoting me to a stranger status. I love you all.

I found this fanpage that reminded me of that blog from before that had those graphics and the secrets of people. I dunno what happened to the blog but I hope I can find it again. In the spirit of things, here is one that I loved from Cherry Bottom's fanpage. *when I went to the IG account I realized it's ONE AND THE SAME. Daretotell is LOVE

This reminded me of my call center days. 

This made me miss my dad. He's alive and in Batangas. So I am luckier than this girl. 

I am currently flooding my wall on facebook with this. <3

So check out that page here


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