Monday, March 5, 2012

Letter To Simone: BooBoo Day

Dear Simone,

You are doing a great job. Well, you are doing your best, aren't you? You had a hard day didn't you? But wasn't it fun? Wasn't it amazing? Wasn't realizing that there are more things in heaven and earth that you are not always good at? Wasn't knowing that you can make great new friends at work just threw you off the loop? You are making friends for life, I can see that. But try to make sure you filter work friends and friends friends. You don't really have time to make it up to your friend friends. You have to save for their homecoming, too. So hop to! Oh, remember to try to ask someone for Trina's schedule so you can give her a calzones from S&R, I am sure she would love it. ^.^

Moving forward, stop letting negastars tick you off. Just let them devour themselves and alienate people around it. Make sure that you do not have a hand in their downfall. Oh, btw, congratulations of realizing that Mr. Romantic is just who he is and that he didn't mean you any harm. Just make sure you ignore any other person who makes you want to bitch slap them. Because you promised Fried that you would behave at work, remember?

Try not to be such a brown-noser though I know you can't help but relate to people who have the task to teach you things. Try to remember where you saw you coach Mitwo before, she really looks familiar, I am always wondering where you met her.

Remember what you mom said, start paying up. You are so irresponsible when it comes to your money. Remember Ysac's advice of opening a new account. If you have to transfer some money to your BDO cashcard for now so you do not touch it. Just consider it like your piggy bank for now.

Make sure not to loose Leean (the cp) and that you should save up for the phone that you want. Decide if you really want a smartphone so you can go online more often.

Hang in there, remember the things you fracked up. Leave a message with no ref # in automated machines. Be more comfortable in saying My name is Ninya from Chenelyn Anti-Echlavoo Depertment. I am calling for Chruva Rarara. Hi, Mr. Rarara, I am calling regarding your Chenelyn Unite card ending in ichi-ni-san-roku. I would like to verify some information regarding your account and some transactions, is this a good time to talk to you about that?

^.^ You will get your anti-echlavoo sense to increase. Just make sure you do not copy people who do not double up things as to make sure that when you delete one you still have a back-up. Back-ups are important. But make sure to delete sensitive data in a timely manner. You do not want to get kicked out of Chenelyn Co, do you? No, you don't.

You finally realize that going out of your comfort zone is not as bad as you thought it was. Spread the love, mind your manners and stop being bossy just be open to new things. Remember that there is someone who is always better than you. But that doesn't make you any less of who you are to admit it. Actually it makes you a better person.

And if this year turns out well, I will give you a pass to flirt again. For now, tend to your wounds, thanks PrincessP for telling you about that cream thingy that helped your yucks go away. And do your best to get as much exercise as you can. Spend time with your family and make sure to talk to your sister more so she knows that you are there for her if she needs you.

There are more to life than money, but at least now, you can pay your rent and make a dent on that debt that you accumulated. You made the right choice, you should have done it sooner than now. But then again, you would have never have met the people that you are meeting now.

BTW, searching for a guy for your friend at where you work might be harder than you anticipated since her ex is there. Try to contact her old friend who works there too, perhaps that person can entice her to move to that place. And wouldn't that just be great?

I'll send you another letter soon. Try to get an internet connection. Make that yobo4 Norby is asking you to make. And for the love of God, comb your hair more often.



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