I hope they don't ask me for my deposit or to pay for what happened. It was an accident and I suffered enough. All of my shit is wet because of it. I had to do impromptu clean up and wipe down because of that. I had to sleep on the dry side of my futon. My other one was as wet as a freaking sponge.
*note to self* Putting Japanese mats in my room might not be a crazy idea after all.
All in all I had a fabulous day, what with having a fever and cough, getting wet, cleaning up when I feel like shit, being blammed for their nights being ruined and possibly getting kicked out of my room *knocks on wood* as well as getting upset over little things, birthday blues and 100th day plan mishaps, I had a peachy day of pure awesomeness. *sarcasm sign*
I just hope that the "meet the Bautistas" is not as horrible as the "meet the Mirandas". Wait, the Mirandas loved me. So it should be better than that. But I was hot, sweet and not sick during that time. T_T It's gonna be a long weekend.
*Also the only Kung Fu Panda showing on Sunday costs an arm and a leg. So good luck sa amin ni Ico.*
I just want my 26th year to start already.
I deleted some movies and freed 63GB. I might just delete the lot of them when I am through with this. I just hope I have enough money to buy a burner already. I really really really want to clean up my laptop.
Brightside: I am hoping my bf learned a lesson not to press me when I am sick. I am learning to apologize for being a bitch. Empresz is back on Facebook...*too soon in my opinion but rebirth or not I hope she learned her lesson. (hoping really really hard) and my laptop didn't get doused in the GOT WATER tipping fiasco.

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