Sunday, January 27, 2013

My Bestie and her [The] Pink Tarha

When my friend told me about her new blog entitled THE PINK TARHA, the first thing I thought about was, "What's a tarha?" then I found their secret identity mode was cool. I didn't think at that time that it was a natural way to protect themselves. For me the concept of having to watch what I blogged was foreign. But for her and her co-PinkTarhas there was a risk for what they were about to do.

This blog led me to a lot of things, not the least is an understanding of what the cultural divide means for women who work for middle east countries, it also lead me to PEBA and even having my own blog winning twice, one for Nokia and the other as second place.

When Eyecandy went back home recently, she mentioned that there was in fact talk about having colored tarhas. It seems like a long time ago that they were just doing this for fun and now they are very very googlable. To date I am still confused as to what a tarha really is. But that's just me, I guess.

I hope for them, blog-wise and personally, many great things in 2013 and may they find that their journey is as wonderful as their destination, wherever it takes them.


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