Monday, December 20, 2010

T.O.P. EB 2010

I was there, with a bad tummy day, the only person who arrived before 10 a.m. at MOA. Foo shortly arrived, by shortly I meant almost half an hour after ten, it was a good thing I had met him and his family at the last Komikon so I knew it was him. We would be joined by Glo and her cousin a little before lunchtime. I had to make a couple of visits to the bathroom because of my previous stomach issues with rice. I am beginning to think that not eating rice might just do wonders to my system. Since I started eating it again I have had too many bm. Okay, gros segue. Back to my story.

I was glad that the EB would not turn out to be a date with a married man. ^^ Gotcha Mr. R. (evil laughter) I now know that you are not a he, she, nor are you an it. You are a WE. Hohoho.

Because of the lack of clean clothes, I ended up wearing my black dress that exposes my knockers. I was all black that day. It was safe to wear that since I knew that Foo would be the only guy there. And seriously, I knew he was harmless. Translation, he was scared of me *evil laughter* so there was no way what I was wearing would be an issue.

Chen was late. But she came with her "password". ^^

Yesha and Louise came a bit latter.

I ate chicken nuggets while waiting for Foo to arrive.
I hate chicken, liempo,achara, and rice at Chicgy's.
Then I had a strawberry mcflurry and oreo choco sundae.
So long story short, my tummy is still suffering from all the stuff I put in it.

But the fun news is that,

1. Foo and I thought of new contests for 2011.
2. I finally met Chen, Yesha, Louise and Glo.
3. Glory's cousin was nice and funny.
4. There are t-shirt designs that will be made in the future.
5. Yesha. Louise and I are planning to make the system of story applications a bit more like it was before so that we can help the newbies make better stories and titles. Meaning I am not the only one who would sift through the multitude of stories that are flooding the forum.
6. Possible future T.O.P. Merchandise. ^^
7. I think I made new awesome friends in the person of Miss Y and L. ^^ My lucky stars.
8. Possible ways for money-making in T.O.P. is in the works. I hope my proposal gets accepted.
9. I finally got more chismis about what happened in the past that shaped the present T.O.P. So I know what to do to make sure that the people in and out of the group sees us as a writing group and not as a bunch of haters.
10. Realized that there is something vital between Free for all and lucrative. And I am more than willing to make the writers get to the second part as soon as it is possible.

It's too bad the Foo didn't get to stay. I am sure we could have hammered down more information and more things that needed to be made clear. I need to remember to make a flowchart. The one that I made for the HOW TO PASS A STORY TO T.O.P. was unattractive and boring. So I need to relearn it I guess.

I am now more determined that what my stars is saying about my "projects" going to the next level includes T.O.P. I just hope we can bully one person to see it as it should be. ^^
We'll get around to that I hope. For now, I need to stop watching Korean DVDs and tune in on the novels I need to edit.
19 of 45 pages BHHE2. ^^ More to go.


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