Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fan girl 3.0 : Mig Ayesa signs postcard

Remember the time when I got this awesome shirt with cds from his royal awesomeness Mig Ayesa and the equally awesome Miss Lily? Well now I am waiting for postcards that Mig signed. Toni, a friend I made via FB and Mig-love blogging had promised me this a while back. Like the time I read the message from Lily that they would be send me stuff I didn't think it was for real. But I guess loving Mig Ayesa has it's miraculous perks. ^_^ I read Toni's message on FB the day I ran out of clean shirts and had to wear my Mig shirt. (I don't wanna wear it too often the signature might fade. *giggles*) Coincidence? Migracle is more like it.

So now, although my friend Reina won't be making it to her homecoming this year, I would have the pleasure to send her a Migawesome christmas package. Or maybe I should wait for her to come home? What do you think? But hey, if I can find a service that would send all these things without worrying about them being lost in transit, then I would definitely make her year...

Oh and one of my officemates recognized my shirt. She said "Is that Mig Ayesa? Si Mig Ayesa ba un?" and I said, "Yes, si Mig Ayesa nga. I got it from Lily and he signed my name on it." My nickname there was Simone so she thought it was Simone (Mig's wife) that it was referring to. I said, "It's my surname plus an e." We proceeded to talking about our Mig moments. (There aren't that many so please come to the Philippines soon and give us some!~)

One thing that is awesome in my new workplace, people have taste in music. I found a Miglover too, didn't I?

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