Sunday, November 21, 2010

Scene from my MANRAE story - T.O.P.

Disclaimer: This story and this excerpt is mine. If you use it or take it, the muses of the old religion would make your life a living hell. If you are indeed a writer, come up with your own shit. 

Have to write it here.

A scene that popped in my head for the MANRAE love team.

A boy with a backpack, a laptop and a trolly on his first day in the big city gets off a Victory bus. He was on his way to the TOPshelf office to be the in-house IT guy. He needed to be there before 2pm.
He needs to ride an MRT for the first time and he can't quite figure out how to use the ticket. He hears someone tapping their foot in irritation.

She was late for her appointment in TOPshelf. Her evil EIC was threatening to ban her story from the site if she doesn't pass the revisions for her story today before 2pm. She lost her internet connection and she didn't have money to use the internet shop. She was on her last 20 pesos and she needed the check for her story.

The only thing that was going to ruin her meal ticket was the provincial guy who couldn't figure out how to use an MRT ticket.

She asks irritably, "Do you need help with that?"

He turns around and was about to spew cusses in seven languages when he saw the face of someone he's only ever seen in Facebook.


"Janrae?" she recovered from her shock and took the ticket,shoved it in correctly then pushed him. She put in hers and grabbed his trolley. "Come on!"

He ran after her and they both laughingly sat on the empty last cabin.

"Where are you going?" he had to ask.
"Where are you going?" she couldn't resist asking.

"TOPshelf." They both said, paused then laughed.

"I'm the new IT guy." he said.
"I have to submit my work or Ate Pinay wouldn't pay me. At the very least that would be slow death due to hunger. I am literally on my last six pesos."

"I can feed you." he teased, just like he did before over the internet. But for the life of him it seems a bit too gross to say it like this.

"Ows, para ka ngang naglayas eh." she smiled at him, and he knew his first ever MRT ride would always be the best first in his new life in the big city.


Two promdis in the big city, both working for TOPshelf, an online publishing company owned by pioneers of an online romance novel site. Janrae and Marysol meet again after years of being causal forum friends on T.O.P. He wasn't as geeky as she thought he would be. And he was not the young girl who dumped him online. What happens when she falls in love with him now that he is afraid to love her?

GirlsOnT.O.P. book 1 : MANRAE

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