And yesterday, he came albeit we were behind schedule and not so patiently, we hugged, kissed, ate, and waited in line.
I honestly forgot that he was driving me nuts last Friday. I guess that is the vital relationship information that I didn't learn from my past relationships since they were usually suspended in animation and removed from the reality of things.
Or maybe because I didn't want to adjust AT ALL during those time. Now I am a bit more flexible. *pun intended*
He didn't know about that tiny little Eiga Sai wish that I had. And I was glad that I didn't have to tell him about it for him to stay and watch with me. I pouted and albeit having to wait HOURS, he still agreed to stay. In turn, I fed us as much as I could. Burgers, franks, popcorn, jellybeans and chocolates from Lizzie. I am sorry that I ruined my Ne Sarang's diet. T_T, But see, no rice? *still that is a whole bunch of calories that he would have to shake off.
I am happy to see him and I realized that the heart or the stomach doesn't need to flip when you see a person you love. It could be a sense so peace.
I guess that he is my panda. We can achieve inner peace together.
I am sure we would spar more in the future. But then again, I am the Tiger Dragon lady's daughter. (My cousins call my mom that since she's super scary for them and extremely maternal) So it fits.
We watched Summers with Coo and The Chef of South Polar. The first one was an animated film and I cried towards the end. I loved it so much. I was apprehensive since I didn't want to watch an animated film since I thought I watched enough anime. But this one was good. I think if I can find a copy of it I would make my cousins and sister watch it. As for the The Chef of South Polar, I hated it since the food there made me hungry. It was funny and the vice-principal in Gokusen Live Action was Moto-san in the movie. He is really funny looking.
I recommend that you try to catch the remaining showing of those two films. I will try to catch other showings next time. But I only have the weekends free.
I compiled the synopsis of some of the stories and I will try to copy the ones in the pamphlet that we got at the event. Check the schedule here now.
This is the official news from the Japan Foundation website.
The flyer is here.

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