Number 1 Check
Number 2 Working on it
Number 3 Found someone to take it slow with so check! Learned this the hard way btw.
Number 4 In the works
Number 5 Not professionally but check
Number 6 Check
Number 7 Will have to return to the faith then
Number 8 Check
Number 9 Check
Number 10 Need to learn how to cook but as for buying check
Number 11 Talk to me in 2012 working on it.
I think this is the kind of article that fits a more church-going person than myself. BUT that doesn't mean it doesn't have any valid points.
I have a lot more to learn and some Chicken Soup for my Soul might just dislodged some laziness. But honestly this made me cringe since I have almost 60k worth of debt (not one person but several total is 54k+) So I am thinking that I need to take another money-earning activity that uses my talents or my skills to the fullest. It's going to take a long time and I honestly lost sleep trying to do the math last night. (we all know how nightmarish math is for me)
But I have to make sacrifices. I have to listen to the snappy remarks my friends told me on the bus. I need to sacrifice what I want to do to provide a better future for myself and my family. Whatever happens in my relationships, I need to be prepared. It would be great if I would grow old with a responsible man like my mom did with my dad. Otherwise, I have to fend for myself and my needs.
I have five years before I am officially out of the calendar. I will make sure that I get the hell out of the rut that I am in and put my act together.

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