1. "What are the costs of inaction?"
I would be stuck in a job that doesn't pay enough for me to pay my bills, debts and save for my future. I would drown in debt.
2. "What kind of person do I want to be?"
I want to be a responsible adult who can handle her money well and support herself and save. I want to be a responsible daughter who can take care of her parents while they are getting closer to retirement.
3. "In the event of failure, could I generate a positive outcome?"
I always get up when I fail at something. I just need to *as per my friends* stop whinning and be a YES (wo)man. I should not just LEARN but ACTUALLY SACRIFICE some things that I thought would be relevant in the real world but is actually just idealism.
I need to SUIT UP.
*too bad I missed it. T_T,
But she got it from here http://ralphwaldoemerson.me/

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