I always find myself reading my horoscope after the month is over. It's like a test whether those "circumstances" really did happen. But when I am not happy with how things are going in my life, I read ahead. It's like a reminder for me not to step on quick sand while walking in the middle of the desert.
A Whole New Story
The transitions that began last month were simply setting the table for the major changes you're facing now. The main player in this story is a Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 1. This supercharged New Moon shines a laser at the core of your being, challenging you to examine your life's purpose and direction.
Mercury's entry into versatile Gemini on June 2 reveals your range of choices. Intellect alone won't answer your most pressing questions, yet a deeper awareness may begin to emerge when visionary Jupiter starts a one-year visit in your 12th House of Soul Consciousness on June 4.
Seductive Venus dances into flirty Gemini on June 9, and you notice others glancing at you with approval. Yet a Full Moon Eclipse in your 7th House of Relationships on June 15 is likely to bring out true feelings that can alter the nature of a partnership. If pride is wounded, Mercury's move into tender Cancer on June 16 softens words and allows you to be more sensitive.
On June 20, Mars shoots into your sign, urging you to show more initiative, yet you may have doubts when the Sun enters passive Cancer on June 21, marking the Summer Solstice. The Sun's opposition to all-or-nothing Pluto on June 28 continues the relationship theme, requiring you to stand up for your beliefs, no matter what.
June 2011
Are Your Muscles Tired?
You are normally a highly adaptable and flexible person who is especially good at multi-tasking. With a boatload of planets moving through your sign this month you may be called upon to juggle even more balls in the air than usual.
Yet even though the willful Sun can drive you to take up the challenge and mental Mercury in Gemini gives you the intellectual ability, it's wise to be selective about the tasks you're willing to tackle. The reason is Mars, the planet of methods, which is lumbering along in placid Taurus and your 12th House of Secrets until June 20. Sure, there are plenty of attractions for splitting your time and energy in several directions. Loving Venus entering Gemini on June 9 can earn you attention that makes you feel good when you put another item on your To Do list.
But don't let flattery tempt you to take on more than you can or want to handle. Mars is about muscles and yours might be tired; it's also about methods, which work better by simplifying things in the sign of the Bull.
The Full Moon in enthusiastic Sagittarius falls in your 7th House of Others on June 15. You might get so excited about a project that you're ready to jump into it immediately. Be careful about being oversold by someone who sounds good but may not be fully rooted in reality. Opening up to new alliances and ambitious plans is fine as long as you do your homework to ensure that what you're getting into is more than hot air.
Love Chameleon
This is a very exciting and dynamic month where you can find yourself attracting more attention than usual but not always wanting it. June starts with the creative Sun in your sign, which tends to increase confidence and visibility. Chatty Mercury, Gemini's ruling planet, enters the sign of the Twins on June 2. This enhances your already considerable verbal skills, but can add a slight degree of restlessness.
Venus, the planet of love, moves into Gemini on June 9, which is great for feeling and being more attractive. Your ability to alter your appearance or attitude according to the situation makes you especially interesting. But even as you grow more attractive to others and pleased with yourself, you are not an easy person to read. Are you playing with someone's affections or are you serious? It might even be difficult for you to discern the difference. An inclination to flirt indiscriminately could raise false hope among your fans or threaten your current partner. It's great fun to tease, but be aware that this is not a game that's safe to play with everyone.
On June 20 passionate Mars races into your sign, exciting you physically and emboldening you to take action. This is your time to lead in your relationship life and when you're less willing to be a compliant follower. Being more active makes sense as restlessness will drive you to take action just to keep from being bored. However, a dash of discrimination will improve your judgment and help you avoid chasing someone who you really don't want to catch.
Source : http://www.tarot.com/astrology

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